The Center for Resilient and Sustainable Communities

Funded Projects

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Building Resiliency to COVID-19 by Closing the Digital Divide in Native American Communities

Sponsor: People-Centered Internet (Internet Society Foundation “ISOC” – Prime)

5/3/2021-5/1/2022, ~$77K

Mason PI: Kathy Laskey; Mason Co-PIs: Karina Korostelina, Seshaiyer, Wells

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Building Dynamic Models for Community and Business Resilience

Sponsor: Kanopy


Postdoc: Armin Rahimi-Golkhandan; Mason Mentors: Laskey, Wells

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NSF RAPID: A Portal to Support Models for Assessing Strategies for Hospitals in the COVID-19 and other Pandemics – MASH-Pandemics

Sponsor: NSF (Award #2027624)

5/1/2020-4/30/2022, $200K

PI: Miller-Hooks

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NSF REU: Preparing the Next Generation of Scholars through GIS and Citizen Science

Sponsor: University of Central Florida (NSF – Prime, Award #1950227)

5/1/2020-4/30/2024, ~$500K

PI: Hawthorne (UCF); Co-PI: Torres

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Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust (PRSTRT) Resiliency & Business Innovation (RBI) Project

Sponsor: Puerto Rico Science & Technology Research Trust (Economic Development Trust – Prime)

3/15/20-12/31/20, $30K

PI: Wells; Co-PI: Auffret

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CIP and BIO Support for the HDIAC

Sponsor: Quanterion Solutions (US Dept of Defense – Prime)

9/30/2019-3/15/2021, $~46K

PI: Thornton; Co-PI: Kauzlarich

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MITRE Public School Security Simulation Experiment (SIMEX)

Sponsor: Mitre Corporation

9/6/2019-9/23/20, ~$100K

PI: Laskey; Co-PIs: Bannan, Dailey

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NNA Track 1: An Expanding Global Maritime Network, its Arctic Impacts and Reverberations

Sponsor: NSF (Award #1927785)

8/1/19-7/31/24, $3 million

PI: Miller-Hooks; Co-PIs: Cobb, Ferreira; Garland (Applied Research in Environmental Sciences; Other researchers/consultants: Ravens (UA), Zhang (UW), Pundt (MMA)

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Cyber-Disaster Resilience: Assessment Framework for Cyber Impacts During Natural Disasters

Sponsor: State Council for Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), Commonwealth Cyber Initiative

7/1/2019-6/30/2021, $200K

PI: Laskey; Co-PIs: Thornton, Cobb; Personnel: Miller-Hooks, Klimoski, Wells, Green (Marymount)

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C-RASC Seed-Funded Projects:


Project Title: Slow and steady wins the race: Storm sewer baseflows as an untapped opportunity to mitigate urban water pollution

Collaborators: PI: Kirin E. Furst (CEIE), Celso Ferreira (CEIE), Greg Foster (Chemistry & Biochemistry)


Project Title: Emergency Response Network for Critical Infrastructure Protection under Extreme Events: Data-Driven Network Approach

Collaborators: PI: Wenying Ji (CEIE), Fengxiu Zhang (Schar)


Project Title: Leveraging the Next NASA Mission to Improve the Monitoring and Forecasting of Coastal Hazards

Collaborators: PI: Viviana Maggioni (CEIE), Celso Ferreira (CEIE), Xinxuan Zhang (CEIE), Paul Houser (GGS), Tim Sauer (Math)


Project Title: Racial and Gender Disparities in Pandemic Responses: Evidence from the Housing Market during COVID-19

Collaborators: PI: Anh Pham (Schar), Jordan Neyland (Scalia Law School), Jin (Roc) Lv (Australia National University)


Project Title: An Adaptive Crop Forecast System for a Secure Food Supply in a Nonstationary World

Collaborators: PI: Yuan Xue (GGS), Paul Houser (GGS), Viviana Maggioni (CEIE), Tim Sauer (Math)


C-RASC Graduate Fellowship Awards:


Resilient and Sustainable Communities (RaSC) Frameworks Study

PI: Dolan; Collaborators: Albright (C-RASC Graduate Fellow), Boules (UMD), Torres, Klimoski

Summary: The RaSC Frameworks Study analyzes the proliferating landscape of frameworks that guide communities in building resilience and sustainability—such as ISET’s Climate Resilience Framework, UN’s Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, IFRC’s Community Resilience Framework, and TNC’s Community Resilience Building Workshop—to understand the commonalities and unique features, and the contexts in which each is most suited.


Modeling Optimal Drilling Locations (MODL) for Shallow Borehole Irrigation in Sustainable Subsistence Farming

PI: Laskey; Collaborators: Li (C-RASC Graduate Fellow), Houser, Sokolov, Gewa, Purohit, Muluneh (Arba Minch U.), Douglas-Bate (MapAid)

Summary: C-RASC is developing a prototype system to fuse sensor data with hydrogeological knowledge to identify optimal locations for Ethiopian small farmers to drill shallow boreholes for sustainable crop irrigation. If successful, the methodology will assist local communities in drought-prone areas to access water sources without depleting regional water tables.


A Scalable Robust Framework for Enhancing Interdependent Infrastructures Community Resilience

Babak Aslani, PhD Student, Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Collaborators: Shima Mohebbi, Assistant Professor, Systems Engineering and Operations Research, College of Engineering and Computing;
Ran Ji, Assistant Professor, Systems Engineering and Operations Research, College of Engineering and Computing; and Edward Oughton, Assistant Professor, Geography and Geoinformation Science, Department, College of Science


Equitable Resource Allocation in Humanitarian Relief Logistics

Zhenlong Jiang, PhD Student, Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Collaborators: R Ran Ji, Assistant Professor, Systems Engineering and Operations Research, College of Engineering and Computing; Wenying Ji, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure
Engineering, College of Engineering and Computing; and Fengxiu Zhang, Assistant Professor, Schar School of Policy and Government.