The Center for Resilient and Sustainable Communities

Get To Know You Series: Dr. Celso Ferreira

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Dr. Celso Ferreira is a Co-Director of the Center for Resilient and Sustainable Communities and an Associate Professor of Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering at the Volgenau School of Engineering at George Mason University.

Having experienced extreme weather events in Brazil, his work in investigating and developing solutions for flood related natural hazards has focused largely on coastal communities.

Dr. Ferreira’s work is concentrated on flood hazards from coastal, riverine, and urban environments and includes real time flood forecasting, monitoring storm surges, and supporting incorporation of natural systems into coastal flood defenses.

After several years at Mason, he recently joined the leadership team of C-RASC in efforts to continue and advance much needed research in this transdisciplinary field. As the global community faces the ramifications of climate change, Dr. Ferreira’s contributions on empowering coastal communities elevates the integral mission of C-RASC.

“My work with C-RASC is an opportunity to work in a diverse, interdisciplinary research center focusing on helping the coastal communities most affected by flooding and other extreme weather,” said Dr. Ferreira.

Outside of his professional work, Dr. Ferreira is an avid surfer and enjoys spending time on the beautiful hiking trails of Northern Virginia with his two young children.


Celso Ferreira is Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental & Infrastructure Engineering. Photo by Evan Cantwell/Creative Services/George Mason University