The Center for Resilient and Sustainable Communities

Get To Know You Series: Dr. Lance Sherry

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Dr. Lance Sherry is a Co-Director at the Center for Resilient and Sustainable Communities and an Associate Professor in the Systems Engineering and Operations Research Department at the College of Engineering and Computing at George Mason University. 

Dr. Sherry brings over 30 years of experience in strategic planning, system engineering, project management, and product commercialization. In the aviation industry, Dr. Sherry held positions as flight-test engineer, flight control engineer, system engineer, lead system architect, program manager, strategic planning and business development. 

Dr., Sherry’s research focuses on climate-related financial risks, climate adaptation modeling, and cost/benefit analysis. Furthermore, Dr. Sherry’s team develops and applies agent-based models, big data analytics, and AI/ML to develop actionable plans and practical solutions. Topics include aircraft contrail mitigation, renewable energy, CO2 recovery, EV charging station planning, and city-wide digital-twins. 

Dr. Sherry has conducted award winning work, published over 100 papers and journal articles, and holds several patents.